
Book Proposal Help

Get noticed by publishers with an expertly-crafted book proposal

We’ve been helping writers become published authors for over 30 years. Now your publishing goals can become reality with AuthorTalk’s professional critique and editing proposal services, partnering with (CBP) a service of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA).

Our Service Offerings


SILVER Package

Talk with an industry veteran and gain key insights into what publishers look for in a bestselling book. Gain highly practical suggestions to improve the marketability of your book. 

Improve your book proposal with:

  • An industry appropriate book proposal in a format that publishers prefer on the service

  • Submission of your proposal to ECPA publishers and Christian literary agents, who will have exclusive access to your completed proposal for six months through the service

  • A comprehensive, customized, in-depth written evaluation of your proposal with specific section-by-section recommendations for how to improve it from an AuthorTalk™ literary professional

  • A 30-minute phone consultation with an AuthorTalk™ professional to discuss your proposal and to ask questions and gain insights and tools to perform any strategic rewrites of your proposal


GOLD Package

Enjoy the same benefits as the SILVER Package plus one of AuthorTalk’s agents will provide a professionally edited writing sample up to 3,000 words.

Bank on your book proposal’s success with GOLD!